The Beatles - Apple Gummy Wristband
The Beatles - Apple Gummy Wristband
Copyright: © 2013 Apple Corps LTD. A Beatles ™ product.
Diproduksi oleh Rock Off.

Tag: The Beatles. (Kartu)
Bahan: 100% silicone.
Warna dasar: Various

Ukuran (Lingkar x Tinggi):
One Size: 21 x 0,5 cm.

Featuring 6 wristbands. With embossed and printed logos. Plus attached iconic apple shaped polished metal trinket. Green (with an Apple charm), Pink, Yellow, Blue, Purple and Red. Gelang tidak elastis.

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The Beatles - Apple Gummy Wristband

  • Views: 6001
  • Kode Produk: BEATGUMSET01
  • Poin Reward: 20
  • Ketersediaan: 4
  • Rp 205.000,-
  • Harga dalam poin reward: 2050

Tags/penandaan: Classic Rock